Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The constant conflict between over fenders, bolt on fenders or stock metal

Cause i can

More so i can find out wtf they are on a local forum, but these are the current space boots, numbers reading something like

f - 18x9 -10
f - 18x10 -10

Not 100% sure on whether i will sell these yet or not, i've been spending way too much time on SerialNine and the whole aero and big wheels has come full circle.....i may yet use these as my showoff set...

My game is legit

Probably the gayest title ever created.......anywho

Hako with roof racks.........so fucking cool your head explodes

Nightwalkers VS Magicians

Think every japanese dude who gets a license must automatically know how to drive like a lunatic and drift like a champ

Thank You Mayday

Cool blog, cool video

AWFILMS | PGP Summer | Making Dreams Come True from Abbitt Wilkerson on Vimeo.

Alex Roto from Tim Tulov on Vimeo.

Monday, September 27, 2010

You stole my colour boo to you

Is eerily similar to how i saw my sil turning out like....so looks like its back to the drawing board on a couple of things......last thing i want is being branded a copy.........oh wait thats right fuck you forum keyboard warrior people

Yeah.....fuck off

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Harvey's = Radical

Just found this and i really like it, i have no idea what it is though.......really depressing because i can usually tell you the most useless shit about anything with 4 wheels usually.

Whoever Harvey is, i like him already and have never met the guy.............could be named after a couch for all i know but anywho

What the fuck is a seatbelt bag though, sounds like something a cereal killer would have in his armament?

Wandering mind

I'm forever thinking of what to do next in terms of fiddling with things, a lot of the time reality comes crashing down and i can't do the things i wish to do as i either 1) currently don't possess the skill required or 2) don't have nor want to spend the obscene amount of money wanted for said thing.

So as a result things like rat rods and cafe bikes really appeal to me, i like the fact that a lot of dudes learn how to weld/how motor works and all that from just starting with nothing.

^^ check it out, if you like old style bikes you'll like this if you're anything like me and don't see anything at all in new bikes (no character).

I could see myself building something like this some day, the lack of parts as a opposed to a car is one of the biggest likes along with the fact that guys seem to be able to show just as much if not more attention to detail than us car going beings.


I know you will be reading this so

Fuck off and stop raining and being miserable, i can't do all the cool shit i want to do to re-motivate myself until you make it pleasant again, its nice right now so please leave it this way thank you



= Rad

Think i might buy a welder as well when my tax comes back..

Friday, September 24, 2010

Having glimmers of motivation (i lasted 10mins this time), found some sheet metal to cover the well holes which is pretty cool......probably won't think about it again till this rain goes away....can't get anything dry fml. Plugged ecu, fuel cut in, dropped the remote shifter in and then realised i had to get underneath ahhh nope, started pulling the accelerator cable out, pita to get to without removing the seat lost motivation, had a croissant and now i'm back here again....

At this rate i might be finished before christmas next year

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Medal Of Honour

I'm on a game buzz tonight........the whole "disappearing into another world thing" works really well to kill the time between sleeping and job hunting.

Never have been a fan of COD.....too Battlefield 1942 for me, but even with the same guys backing it i think MOH might just change me..

New Vegas

Come on EVERYONE wants to play this

Halo: Reach

Stats off Ripten.com..........really is fucking unreal

"So how popular is Halo: Reach? The statistics Bungie have compiled are jaw dropping

Keep in mind these stats were compiled end of September 18th - not even a full week (since release):

31,000,000 Games have been played since launch
98,000,000 Player-games have been recorded
8,214,338 Daily Challenges have been completed
255,966 Weekly challenges have been completed
78,499,560,895 Total Credits have been earned
953 Man-years have been spent in matchmade games
1365 Man-years have been spent in campaign
854,107 files have been uploaded
577,804 recommendations have been sent to friends
4,619,455 files have been downloaded"

And one dude was payed just to put all that information together......i want his job

Anywho, theres been more games played than people living in Australia (22million and the bits) pretty cool and not-helpful-at-all stat right there

You can give me that needle

Damn you hot asian chicks

Red Bull

Can i have one?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good morning world

Was a rad Peppers song......it makes an even radder Santana cover


Should put this into practice ahhh yup


I'm not a huge techno man anymore.........i think because it seems to attract H, E and the roof people like a mosquito to a bug light.......but i sometimes find shit i really dig just because its a little different.......plus this dude has an epic beard, i think the vibrations from your brain rattling must help it grow at an increased rate.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Road Rash

Vids that kinda show the people and lifestyle behind it all are much more appealing than just a vid of endless cars and dudes supplementing 'like' for 'hella'..........yes dudes its annoying and makes you sound really silly

Socal with some Heartbreakers and friends. from Lucky Valera on Vimeo.

No idea

why i like this song

but its a rad clip and it has a chick with a flano and a longboard........god damn

You shall not pass


Photographic evidence #3

Old pic but proof that rough sils can look cool...........unfortunately i'm not stupid or brave enough to roll this low and rough or else i would have next to nothing left to do :)

Nice Day Today

Steve, steve, steve!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I'd give it all up if the opportunity to own one ever came up.......rat or not

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Desperate times

call for desperate measures.....sounds like something out of a b-grade zombie movie


the freight train that is my frakenstein silvia in the garage came to a screeching halt as you would've read the other week due to stuffed threads on the engine mounts, after getting over the dirty attitude about how they came to be they were in the first place after having spent so much i turned that negative dreary into a positive cheery and finally pulled me finger out and pulled those suckers out.

but......what do you do when you have to take your engine mounts out and have no spare? you give me a call. If lightweight and expensive don't appear in the same sentence then you need some linear thinking to get the job done.

Sponge strut engine mounts, industrial, yet comfortable.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday Fries

Couple pics from QR a few nights back

Even with shit not working out particularly well Loz still managed to finally get out, even if the coilpack didn't want to play the game :D

I'm liking these next 3 pics, ones that catch the mood are always rad


Tribute..to the greatest song in the world

I like this car, a lot actually and have a great deal of respect for Yuta, the dude who built it. This car has plenty of fans but also a lot of haters, dudes reckoning it looks crap for all the rust and exposed panels. I've always been a big believer in things giving cars 'character' and i honestly believe this is the biggest reason why i do what i do......to create a car with some 'personality'. I think at the end of the day something that runs a trend is cool, but something that doesn't necessarily bend minds or pushes boundaries but does everything with a bit of character and class will stand the test of time.

Look at every rat rod out there, you'd be hard pressed to put two similar looking ones together and they are identical in everywhere because the owners see their cars as a way to express themselves, to put a little bit of their personality into their cars.

Yuta, hats off to you man


i went drifting last night, well not in my car but i did partake in the past time known as drift.

Even with a coilpack not playing the game past 5k Aerron made my life that little bit more cooler by taking me out for a spin in the (Lauren's actually) sil80.......and i gotta say, the green sparkly
beastie downstairs will be seeing some of this action very very soon.

You never quite appreciate how different it is out there as opposed to just watching on the pit wall or sub zero hill (thats the nickname for it). It could (realistically) be 30c everywhere else at QR and the hill would be like a glacier.....thermals are real kids, think of something like this -

well according to the others its this hectic......i still don't believe them, especially since no Dennis Quaid has been seen trekking.

My mate Rick

Fuck he is cool


I have them (sadface)

An unfortunate side effect of drifting through a kindergarden with wet clear coat.......that'll teach the chums

Is that......liquorice??

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday bloody Monday

More or less how i felt Monday arvo -

Got made redundant at work......first i didn't mind but it definately plays on your mind after a couple of days.....its surreal that something i dislike doing so much (work in general) i feel empty without.....but i have a feeling thats more because of the reality of no money coming in rather than actually working.

So as a result the car updates will be slow to non-existent for the foreseeable future, considering i'm sitting on multiple sets of wheels atm that total up to a nice amount it may be without shoes for a while as well, but once things are up and running again it will be heading.....in a different direction.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ueno Soarer - 2001

Drift Tengoku #5

Soarers are still king :D

Dai's S13

Dai Yoshihara's V8 S13 with Rocket Bunny Kit

Probably my favourite driver in the US alongside Justin P (when he drives his FC)

Eject Eject EJECT!

Forums -

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are" - Kurt Cobain

More or less explains what i think of them these days, they are hardly worth even jumping on to find parts anymore (i have literally 3 of everything anyways) i don't know whether i'm just finding my groove outside of the normal jibber jabber (which i think i might be) or whether the fan boys killed it for me but i find that i am constantly distancing myself from the stereotypes. Humans can be cruel creatures, give a bunch of overly opinionated individuals a keyboard, the intergoogles and a very loose grasp of english grammar and punctuation and you have yourself the makings of World War III........like that terrible movie Wargames with Matthew Broderick in it, dude is playing tetris on an Atari and nearly blows up the world......along the same sort of lines.

I think my next ride will have to be my Kombi


Rodriguez movies rule -

Seeing this



Nice BN

Forged in Mt Doom

The (new) Bucket List

Gives you an idea of whats left to do, the cool wall on the right hand side will see its fair share of inspiring pictures to move the soul.

I see your SR and raise you a 1J

The beginning -

Hardly perfect and definately a case of good from far but far from good but this thing will be brought back its former glory. 50mm read over fenders and fairly smooth body are bonuses so Wednesday we commenced surgery.

The start - Day 1 (Wednesday)

Side by side, SR v 1J, Stock body v Wide Body, Stock two tone v Glittery gayness

SR being pulled down, skipped the pics of the SR pull, figured everyone has seen it before.....definately the easy part.

Day 2 (Thursday) - 1J out and shell stripping began, at this stage we stoked because we were hammering through it, the finish line was coming up much faster than we thought......went to bed knowing something major would go down eventually.......and it did..

I rubbed the bay of the green one down ready for a respray, dude came and picked the sr up for pocket money even with the dodgey head will probably end up being the bargain of the century for that dude. Bay gets sprayed and sits to dry while we pull the 1J out.

1J+R154, rad, side mounted bonnet, top mounted ECU (fuck your top mount turbo) and seat - i tried doing a skid in it........unfortunately she didn't get the two step quite right.

Day 3 (Friday) - We were both feeling good about the whole thing at this stage, shit was going knarly so we started by pulling what we needed out of two tone's bay and connecting everything up that we needed for the J to just drop straight in.

Pretty impressed with how the paint came out, especially considering it was cleaned, rubbed back, undercoated black and sprayed in less than 4hrs....much better than the shit effort i did on the two tone one. Top struts, top of firewall and front clip are all that is left to spray. Will cover the glass, motor and pull plates off and finish the rest off in the next couple of days/next weekend.

1 x Aerron powaa

90% done in the bay........this is where shit went bad, hit the fan and the fan fell out of the ceiling and killed the cat. From here on it was a battle and hours got wasted on the silliest things.

The left engine mount was a real bitch to get to with the pwr steering lines being where they were. We didn't want to drop the crossmember and replace it with two tone's as they are near identical and there was no need......unfortunately with an overly stubborn, and by this stage rounded (underneath) nut we had no choice but to unbolt the pwr steering lines, control arms and castor arms to pull the green crossmember out and replace it.

Thankfully two tone had lost its 5 stud and brakes to Jon the night before (who owns a very tidy X-Type 180) so it was much less of a whore trying to pull the crossmember out of it to swap over.

By the time the dust had settled we had lost over 3hrs for one fucking nut, i wasn't particularly impressed so we called it and went for lunch. When we got back our (my) luck didn't improve.

Before we dropped the 1J we refitted the engine mounts to find that one thread was already on its way out, i will rewind a little to explain why.

When we pulled the SR i was pretty surprised to find how loose the engine mount nuts were, the 1J surprised me even more and given that i had taken it for multiple test runs its a scary thought to find that the only things holding the motor into the bay were only finger tight.

We then found that the shop that had originally fitted the 1J had fitted metric nuts on imperial bolts and fucked the thread, thankfully three of the four are probably workable but the fourth will require some work/reordering of mounts to fix. We tried the only joint open at 7.30pm on a friday night and to no avail.........needless to say i was fucking gutted.

Aerron ended up snapping me out of my silly funk and we went home to check the difference between the old sr mounts and the new 'custom' 1J mounts. The bolt locations were identical and the surrounding mount, although a different shape was that dissimilar from the thing it was replacing, so finding multiple replacements should be easy. Needless to say my frustration with the shop who had fitted the 1J was beyond boiling point and i was glad that i had ended up buying a new shell, because as Aerron mentioned i would have never of known otherwise until my motor tried to fly to the moon........so again pulling some fairly major positives from a poo situation.

Anywho we dropped the 1j anyway, even with the motor having to be jacked up again to remove the mounts to fix/replace and the hopes of a turn key switch in less than half a week quickly faded away.

Needless to say it was definately an experience and i have learnt so much from it, its an ever nicer feeling being able to say "we did that" instead of giving credit to a shop that doesn't even deserve the old brown paper bag, full of dog shit, set on fire and doorbell rung trick pulled of them.

3 1/2 months in a shop to pull off a job that we just knocked over (biggest job) in 3 days with 2 dudes at anyone time and i gave them two-tone with an empty bay. If you do ever read this and want to do a 1J swap into an S13 do yourself a favour. Learn from my mistakes, buy the conversion kit from 2JZswap (all my shit is that anyways just with large amounts of $$$ added to the side) and track down a dude who has done it with a stock ecu and get it replugged/buy a 1J ecu with digital dash and fix all your electrics like that. You will save yourself so many thousands of dollars, have the satisfaction of pulling it off yourself and have a better quality job at the end of it.


Friday, September 3, 2010


Will come soon...too tired.

2 motors pulls, 1 transplant, one strip down, 3days = epic


Lots of it......makes you this good -

goodnight :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No Hating

I'm not really biased to any particular type of motor, however i did discover today that a stock SR is harder to get to engine mount bolts of than a 1J in a silvia........pretty retarded but anywho.

Part of me likes this, V8s are seen a little different in aus in that they are considered a 'bogan' thing, they are really prevalent in Commodores and Falcons and are stereotypically driven by knuckle draggers and meatheads...but putting that aside and looking at the practicality side of things it definately has its merits, especially in something that is easily 600-700kg lighter going by the current crop of new V8s we have.

News Team Assemble!!!

Today more less went something like that.

Got a message from my good mate Jack today who was bored, possessed by a demon and wanting to help remove the SR......it now lays in its birthday suit 6 1/2hrs later, i can almost hear the 1J yelling in excitement.......or is that just the radiator bubbling.......hmmmm