Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stardate 101.1.2

So after what seemed like 1000 emails and phone calls back and forth of the last few months things have finally reached a conclusion. Turns out the sil has been complianced for some 8 or so years now but its plates and accompanying paperwork either never found their way onto and into the car or went missing some time in that 8 years. means compliance isn't an issue now which is kinda rad so it means that the order is more or less - bay spray, engine drop, engine wire in, other random shit, rego, enjoy......or something to that effect.

Nothing else much has happened....had to make a bracket up for the handbrake cause i run r33 gear in the rear....was a real a hole but fixed now and got a job so hopefully things keep slowly grinding forward.

Peace out

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hold on my turn mf from hell


Got some work done today, hoping for much of the same tomorrow and maybe wednesday, then work the following two days.......cause i just love making pocket change at times convenient for everyone but myself....hoping for some good news this week or next in that regards.


Bay is stripped, wiring is (more or less) finished - couple plugs will have it done and dusted and cooler has been dummied up, was hoping running a 450 core would mean i could just sneak pipes in either side without having to cut but alas it was not to any rate it will look super neat and i highly doubt our lovely law enforcement will even bat an eyelid........especially with yamaha and toyota written on the top of the motor :P


Last pics show where the loom used to come through and where it will be coming through after everything is back together. Real estate is a little tight up top on the drivers side since i'm running the factory CT12 twins but the loom will duck down far enough where heat won't be an issue.

Bay spray is now on the cards, still haven't heard whether the 'other' things are a go or not.....not much can be done without steady dollars though.

Update whenever